Linda is not a Jewish candlestick holder called the menorah or a large slimey anaconda.....I wish.
Instead it's a big, hulking, palsy-shaking, chain smoking......Jewish grandmother. Yes the stereotypes are right on. "You never write, you never call, how come you're so skinny? How come you're so fat?" And on and on......with a cackle that's right out of Fiddler on the Roof, the dream sequence for those of you in the know with that musical.
You're not supposed to smoke in the building or most of San Francisco for that matter. She's a chain smoker and that big hunk of mama is no way taking her frame out of that flattened cushion chair and heaving it to the elevator to go all the way down 11 she opens the window. Yes...I'm shocked I have the capability to open the window. I though they made that illegal so people wouldn't jump. Maybe they only allow happy dispositioned leasees in the building but anyway....So she opens the window and the wisps of Malboro make their way into my office. Thus, my office smells like I smoke too. Geez.
Linda, Jewish grandmother, gets here at 930 walks to her office and I never see her come out. Not even to pee. I hear her cackling and occasionally I hear pounding (I have no idea what she's doing with that one)and nothing else.
I wonder what she really does behind that closed door? Stay tuned....